How To Correct Uneven Eyebrows

Asymmetry of our face is a very natural thing. There’s no two the same half of the face, or the same two hands or any other parts of the body. Our body is asymmetrical, and this makes us special. Of course, we would like to look perfect. Not many people are lucky to have almost symmetrical eyebrows. Most women need to shape them, wax, tint pluck, and use cosmetics to give the desired look and achieve wanted symmetry.
Permanent Makeup Can Help Correct Eyebrows Asymmetry
If asymmetry is small it should be easy to achieve nearly perfect results. If brows are uneven it is getting much harder to make them look the same. Permanent Makeup can help, thanks to different techniques and measuring tools. It can improve the look of sparse over-plucked eyebrows shape, so you could enjoy nice eyebrows for longer. Modern eyebrows tattooing techniques like Powder Brows, Ombre Brows, or Microshading (hair stroke) can help light brows achieve more depth and fix unevenness.
It is not always possible to achieve symmetry by yourself, in some cases the difference in the position of brows is significant. We have great eyebrows products on the market, but they are only short-term solutions for fixing uneven brows. They can help, but won't solve the problem.

Sometimes the whole eyebrow needs reposition, sometimes only some part. In permanent makeup, we focus on finding a compromise. Usually, it means lowering one eyebrow and bringing up the other one, until they meet in one line, on the same level. At the same time, the goal is to save as much natural eyebrow hair as possible in both brows.
Asymmetry can be also a result of bone structure on the forehead, here the task is getting more complicated.
A Permanent Makeup Artist during the consultation will use a special ruler, and a pre-inked string to map your face and check symmetry. This demonstration will give some idea what could be done and how your concern could be improved. Drawing with a pencil is a must to visualize the final effect to a client.
How To Fix Uneven Eyebrows

We can’t forget about the muscles! They play a big role if it goes about our mimic. Everyone has a passive and active side of the face. If one muscle is stronger it pulls skin harder and results in uneven-looking brows.
To reduce it, sometimes technicians advise Botox, to relax the stronger muscle. Please keep in mind that it is advised to get Permanent Makeup first before Botox Injections. The reason is that pigment stays longer in your skin than Botox. What is more, Botox can change the shape and position of your eyebrows.