Microblading and Permanent Makeup During Pregnancy

It is strongly advised to wait after pregnancy and breastfeeding before permanent makeup or microblading. Women’s immune system changes during pregnancy. These changes contribute to the success of the pregnancy and are generally thought to be caused by the many hormonal changes that occur while women are pregnant. With every tattooing procedure, there are potential side effects and risks.
Immune and Hormonal System
The mother’s immune system must be tightly regulated so that it doesn’t reject the baby like it would a transplanted organ. This is achieved by altering the numbers, location, and activity of multiple subsets of maternal immune cells.
Monocytes (a type of white blood cell) become more active, for example, while neutrophils (another type of white blood cell) increase in number. Both types of cells play a role in defending the body against bacteria, infections, fungi, and viruses. Changes also occur in the body’s T cells – a type of lymphocyte (which are also white blood cells) that has an important role in what is known as immunological memory.
The hormonal levels in women can affect the long-term effects of permanent makeup, and the whole application process as well.
Less obvious changes occur in women’s metabolism. This is the way the body uses dietary sugars, fats, and proteins to provide the energy and building blocks needed to ensure the proper functioning of cells, tissues, and organs.
During the pregnancy, the skin becomes more sensitive and is prone to allergic reactions that lead to pigment rejections.
Use of Anesthetics
The other concern is the use of numbing agents. Most cosmetic tattooists will use some form of anesthetic and numbing cream prior to and during procedures. These will absorb into the skin and may enter the bloodstream.
Some clients might experience anxiety before their first treatment, they are afraid of pain sensation and final outcome what’s more some future mothers may have increased sensitivity. During pregnancy, it is important to avoid any stressful situations.
Changes in The Appearance of Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, facial tissue can be stretched due to swelling and fluid retention. This means that makeup tattoos applied during pregnancy have the potential to change in shape and no longer suit.
Antiviral Medications Before Permanent Lip Blush to Prevent Cold Sore
For clients with any history of cold sores/fever-blister/herpes, even if it was when you were a child or a one-time episode it is recommended to contact a physician and request a prescription for Zovirax, Famvir, or Valtrex. Take 3 days before the procedure, the day of the procedure, and 3 days after the procedure as directed and repeat on all visits.
The antiviral agent's acyclovir (Zovirax), valacyclovir (Valtrex), and famciclovir (Famvir) are commonly used to treat initial and recurrent cases of herpes simplex virus infection, and to lessen the severity of herpes virus infection.
There are no adequate studies in agents for determining infant risk when using this medication during breastfeeding. Weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks before taking this medication while breastfeeding, data on the use of these antivirals in early pregnancy are limited.
The Risk of Infection and Allergic Reaction

Keep in mind that allergies to pigments are quite rare, however, they do exist and could happen to anybody at any time during or after the procedure.
The ingredients used in the pigments for permanent makeup and topical anesthetics may not harm your baby directly through breastmilk, but having to treat your possible infection or allergic reaction with medications may hinder breastfeeding.