Things Only Expert Know About Permanent Makeup Safety

Permanent Makeup and Microblading have become increasingly popular among Americans in people of all ages, occupations, and social classes. Generally, Permanent Makeup and Microblading are not high-risk treatments if all of the hygienic procedures are followed by the artist.
Is Permanent Makeup Safe?
Cosmetic tattooing is an invasive procedure that has the potential of resulting in serious skin and blood infections. The skin is an organ that protects us from many infections. Micropigmentation involves penetrating the skin with a needle (Permanent Makeup) or other sharp instruments (Microblading) and unless the needles are new, sterilized for each treatment, and properly handled by the practitioner they can be contaminated with the infected blood and bodily fluids of another person.
What Is The Potential Infection Risk From Tattooing?
Humans are protected from many infections by the skin or mucous membranes. When the skin or mucous membrane is open, pathogens have a chance to enter the body. This may result in infection. The pathogens that enter the client’s body may come from another person via contaminated objects or from the client’s own skin or mucous membrane. Most people have microorganisms on their own skin or mucous membranes that do not cause a problem unless the skin or membrane is pierced or broken.
Bloodborne Pathogen Precautions
The bacteria or viruses that may also be present on the skin of the person receiving the tattoo can penetrate his/her body when the skin is open. Practitioners who do permanent makeup or microblading are also at risk of becoming infected through accidental cuts and punctures. It is possible to transmit viral infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and herpes through tattooing, as well as bacterial skin infections such as streptococcus and Staphylococcus.
It is impossible to tell if someone has a bloodborne infection, all blood and body fluids should be treated as if they are infectious at all times. The basic components of BBP precautions include immunization, handwashing, protective barriers (gloves, mask, and clothing), prevention of needle-stick injuries, and cleaning.
Cleaning Instruments And Equipment

It is essential for tattoo artists to be fully aware of the potential dangers of their procedures and to understand the precautions that need to be taken to minimize the likelihood of infection. Everything that will come into contact with the client during the procedure must be carefully covered with disposable single-use of barrier film (a clear or blue heavy-duty sheet of plastic that is sticky on one side and will adhere to light fixtures, the tattoo machine), hygienic materials, from the cart to the disinfectant.
Used needles or cartridges should never be kept for a client’s future appointment, they contain bodily fluids and bacteria, and they should be disposed of immediately after the procedure is completed. The client will learn about all of the guarantees of sterilization, the risks, and the hygienic procedures that precede and follow the treatment.
Skin Preparation
Before applying permanent cosmetics, the pigmented area must be hygienically prepared. The first step involves deep cleaning the area to remove any makeup, cosmetics, and bacteria. Professionals need to ensure that the client’s skin is clean and free from infection (no rashes, pus, swelling, or redness), sores, wounds, or rashes on or around the treated area.
If the area to be tattooed needs to be shaved, then use a new single-use razor for each client or sterile tweezers. Professionals use special medical-grade products for disinfection. Prior to a permanent makeup procedure, it is crucial to disinfect the site where the procedure will be carried out with an antiseptic and clean disposable cloth or cotton round.
Personal Protective Equipment

Because the professional is at risk of infection, they must put on the appropriate personal protective equipment before setting up the treatment room and the procedure. There is a proper order for putting on and taking off each part of the protective equipment before and after each procedure.
Protective equipment includes gloves, a mask, a cap, and a clean shirt. Professionals should always wear disposable, single-use sterile medical exam gloves while carrying out tattoo procedures and their hands should always be thoroughly washed immediately prior to wearing such gloves and after removing them. During the procedure, the artist must avoid touching the eyes, nose, mouth, or any other part of their body with gloved hands, as well as a cell phone.
Following basic principles must be observed by people operating in establishments that provide tattooing services:
• The work area must be kept clean and hygienic
• Needles and other objects for penetrating the skin must be sterile
• Tattooists and their clothing must be clean. No cuts, infections, dermatitis, or wounds on the skin can be kept exposed
• Needles and other objects, which have touched blood or body fluids, must be disposed of appropriately
Post Permanent Makeup
It is recommended to provide written instructions to each customer on how to care for his/her pigmented area. The client needs to be instructed on how to prevent infection from occurring. Keeping the tattooed area clean and dry at all times is key to a smooth healing process. The pigmented area should be treated like a wound. The client should immediately notify their physician if they notice signs of possible infection such as redness, pus, or swelling.
The Challenge Of Right Aftercare In Cosmetic Tattooing
Aftercare is by far the most important aspect of your cosmetic tattooing journey. Post care should not be taken lightly – you need to know how to take care of a pigmented area as best as possible. Failing to follow your Permanent Makeup Artist’s advice could lead to damaging consequences. With proper healing, we can get satisfying results even after the initial appointment.
Sometimes clients may or may not know or avoid admitting that their actions could interfere with the aftercare instructions that you previously provided. The most common factor is picking the crust off of the procedure area or scrubbing the procedure area. In some cases, clients might accidentally scratch their scab or lose it while sleeping on their faces.
Putting not enough ointment, or even more often too much ointment, interferes with skin healing. Remember skin needs to breathe, applying a thick layer of the ointment will block oxygen access. Overuse of your healing product will not let the area heal properly. Using products with a large chemical list that is not gentle may result in pulling the color out!
Sweating, sun exposure, using the pool, and hot spas can affect retention really badly. The best approach is to just take it easy and follow proper aftercare instructions. The clients may or may not know, or admit to it, as it could interfere with your touch-up policies. It is good to talk with the client after the procedure and ask them to repeat basic instructions.
These basic aftercare steps are often modified by permanent makeup artists depending on the client’s skin type and pigmented area.
6 Basic Aftercare Steps In Permanent Makeup
- After the procedure, wash the pigmented area with warm water and neutral soap. Dry the area by patting delicately.
- Spread a very thin layer of protective, soothing cream if recommended by the practitioner, until completely absorbed. A single-use spatula or clean finger shall be used to apply antibacterial lotions or creams to the tattoo area of the skin.
- To keep the skin moisturized, you can repeat this process 2 times a day for 10-15 days.
- During the scarring, phase avoids wearing synthetic garments, sweating, and covering the area with gauze or makeup.
- Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds without total protection; do not bath in salt water or chlorinated water.
- In case of itching, apply more moisturizer and avoid touching or rubbing the affected area.
Talking About The Practice
It is important that the customer is informed of any possible risks associated with cosmetic tattooing. Technicians working in open area beauty salons, hair salons run the risk of airborne pathogens from acrylic nails and hair products. Be aware that applying permanent cosmetic makeup creates an open wound and contaminants from the air should be kept to a minimum to ensure healthy and safe cosmetic tattooing.
The first goal is to work safely and in a way that emphasizes natural-looking results. The most beautiful makeup is the kind of makeup that you don’t see, that looks natural made, should look at though it has always been part of the client’s appearance. Makeup tricks the eye and offers us a different perception of ourselves.
While derma pigmentation is extremely natural, it will be visible. But this visibility should be a point of pride for the client since their new appearance will compromise a valuable aesthetic change.